
Vusimuzi Group

Vusimuzi with roots in Leandra, Mpumalanga, South Africa is a 100% black owned and managed family holding company with 58% is woman owned, we have a growing number of investments in financial services, mining, agriculture, transport, telecommunications, facility management and consulting to name a few.

The company is respected for the active role it plays in the companies in which it invests, and its ability to add value to investments across a wide range of industries. It does this by fostering talent and encouraging initiative at all levels. Founded by Mr Prince Vusimuzi in 2016, Vusimuzi Group has played a distinguished role in furthering the South African government’s policy of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) which seeks to transform the South African economy by encouraging the economic participation of black people, Vusimuzi has also developed a strong reputation for ethical management and respectful engagement.


Vusimuzi Group is underpinned by six core values that will enable us to empower and create growth for all our stakeholders.


Everyone working for Vusimuzi Group is committed to consistently delivering superior service and products in the most effective way, for the shared benefit of our clients, customers, shareholders and employees 

Black owned (BEE)
Black women owned
Employees trust
Youth owned

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