
Application and accreditation

To create integration across our operations and add value into our supply chain, we support preferential procurement, supplier growth and enterprise development.

Surpassing compliance, we want to create a new South African legacy by uplifting the livelihood of the communities in which we operate and making a positive contribution through engaging local business, creating jobs, and developing skills.

This in return improves the efficiencies within our supply chain through security of supply and lower cost structures.

We welcome all suppliers interested in pursuing opportunities with our organization and invite you to complete the supplier registration form to express your interest to conduct business with Vusimuzi Group.

You will receive an email notification should your application be successful.

Please note that registration does not guarantee business, nor does it represent a contractual agreement in any way.

Find out more on how to become a Vusimuzi Group supplier, and about our standard terms and conditions by sending an email to

Supply chain fraud alert

To help you identify any fraudulent activities, kindly take note of the following when receiving any Request for Quotations (RFQ’s) from Vusimuzi Group:

1) All Vusimuzi Group manual RFQ’s are consistently structured in the same way:
The document will always request electronic delivery to or submission via SAP Ariba.

2) When issued via SAP Ariba, the subject line of the e-mail will read: “Vusimuzi Group has invited you to participate in an event

3) There will always be the details of a Vusimuzi Group contact person in the RFQ document, the email address will be in the format:

Should you wish to clarify the validity of any Vusimuzi Group RFQ, please report RFQ Fraud to your nearest police station or to

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